
Always delivering good services to our valuable customers

Kilimanjaro Explosives Company Ltd, we provide industry leading, safe, cost efficient and innovative blasting solutions to mining sectors and construction. Our focus is on delivering unrivalled levels of customer service through a flexible and truly partnering approach.

Our suite of services cover the full range of customer requirements including explosives supply, regulatory support, blast design, blasting advice, and down the hole loading.

We are able to bundle all these services into one seamless offering or will happily unbundle and customise our suite of services to match a client’s particular needs.


KECL represents quality and safety on blasting.

Kilimanjaro Explosives Company Limited continually evolve, expanding our knowledge base, service offerings and expertise, which keep enabling us to serve our Clients with innovative solutions. While never wavering from a focus on Safety.

“Kilimanjaro Explosives Company Ltd is the one stop solution to blasting services”.

Our Approach

Company History

We are committed to continuously improve our safety culture and treats statutory requirements as the minimum standard. We ensure our clients safety and healthy working environment for all employees, contractors, and visitors or members of the public who may be affected by any of our activities, as we summarize equipment status and maintenance activities regularly.

Company History

We provide the highest standards of service and expertise as we are committed to provide knowledge and understanding on our products and offer quality engineering services that meet the expectations of our customers.

Mobile: +255-679-746-702, +255-744-211-911
Telephone: +27 76-896-8767
Contact Person : Support Team

Kilimanjaro Explosives Company Limited
P.O.BOX 533, 
Ward Nyasubi Area, Kahama